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What To Do When Tungsten Automation's Transformation’s Table Locator Does Not Work

What To Do When Tungsten Automation's Transformation’s Table Locator Does Not Work

The Tungsten Automation Transformation’s Table Locator is a powerful tool for extracting data presented on a document in table form. Simply align the column headings with project data fields, and, at least in many cases, data falls into the correct columns and rows. However, document tables commonly seen in some industries tend not to follow the rules of rows and columns. Single table rows consist of many lines. Data elements do not align with column headings. Row beginnings and endings vary. Essentially, each table row becomes its own miniature document.

One approach for processing these kinds of complex tables is scripting. Although scripting can manage the high variability of the table lines, it tends to be specific to one type of document. Each new form of a document requires new development.

Genus often takes a different approach by extending the included Table Locator functionality instead of scripting. Among other features, the extension provides improved row and column processing for multi-line table rows, particularly when table rows cross-document pages and field values do not align with columns. It configures using a rules-based approach and includes a browser-based configuration update capability. While the Genus approach requires configuration for differing document table forms, the configuration is simple, dynamic, and efficiently conducted by appropriately trained business unit staff.

Documents containing complex, non-standard tables can be part of your document automation initiative, and there are simple, straightforward ways to make them work.

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